Old Boat

Upgrades and Maintenance: Maximizing Your Time on the Water

As a boat owner, it’s important to stay on top of maintenance and upgrades to ensure that your vessel stays in top condition. Over the past few weeks, I’ve been working on a list of installs, upgrades, and repairs that I plan to complete on my boat this year. While boatwork is a never-ending story, it’s important to prioritize tasks so that you can make the most of your time and resources.

Task 1: Determine the appropriate size of the battery bank.

One of the most important considerations for liveaboard boating is power management. Without a reliable source of power, it can be difficult to run essential systems like lights, refrigeration, and electronics. Currently, Luna boat has two 12V 100Ah batteries, but I know that this won’t be enough to meet my needs as a liveaboard.

To address this, I’ve broken the task of upgrading my battery bank into two parts. First, I need to assess how much additional space I have on my boat to install more batteries. This involves looking at the layout of my boat and determining where I can fit additional battery boxes. Once I have a clear idea of the available space, I can move on to the second part of the task, which is to calculate my daily power consumption.

There are a few different tools and methods that I can use to calculate my power consumption. For example, I could look at the power ratings of all of the appliances and electronics on my boat and add up their daily usage. Alternatively, I could use a battery monitor or energy meter to track my actual power usage over a period of time.

Once I have a good sense of how much power I need to generate on a daily basis, I can start thinking about the appropriate size of my battery bank. There are a few different factors to consider here, including the type of batteries I want to use, their capacity, and the charging system I plan to use. Ultimately, I want to make sure that my battery bank is large enough to meet my power needs without being so large that it takes up too much space or becomes too expensive to maintain.

Task 2: Create a comprehensive overview of the boat’s electrical system.

In order to upgrade my battery bank and other electrical systems on my boat, I need to have a thorough understanding of how everything is currently wired and connected. This is where creating a comprehensive overview of the boat’s electrical system comes in.

To create this overview, I’ll need to do a lot of research and documentation. I’ll need to identify all of the electrical components on my boat, including switches, circuit breakers, fuses, and wires. I’ll need to trace these components to see how they’re connected and how power flows through the system. I’ll also need to create detailed wiring diagrams that show the location and connections of all of the electrical components on my boat.

Having a comprehensive overview of my boat’s electrical system will be invaluable as I make upgrades and repairs in the future. It will allow me to quickly and easily identify any issues that arise and troubleshoot problems as they occur.

Task 3: Route all lines back to the cockpit.

One of the challenges of sailing singlehanded is that it can be difficult to manage all of the lines and controls on your boat from the helm. To make things easier, I plan to route all of the lines on my boat back to the cockpit. This will allow me to control everything from a single location, which will make sailing solo much more manageable.

To do this, I’ll need to identify all of the lines and controls on my boat and figure out the best way to route them back to the cockpit. This may

involve installing additional hardware, such as clutches or organizers, to ensure that the lines are neatly organized and easy to manage. I’ll also need to make sure that the lines are properly labeled so that I can quickly and easily identify them when I need to make adjustments.

Routing all of the lines back to the cockpit will not only make singlehanded sailing easier, but it will also make sailing with a crew more efficient. By having all of the controls in one location, everyone on board will be able to work together more easily and communicate more effectively.

Task 4: Install a windlass and possibly construct a new bow spread.

Anchoring is an essential part of boating, but it can be challenging to do it singlehandedly, especially if you don’t have the right equipment. Currently, my boat doesn’t have a windlass in the bow, which makes anchoring difficult when I’m sailing alone. To make things easier, I plan to install a windlass in the bow.

A windlass is a piece of equipment that is used to raise and lower an anchor. It’s typically mounted in the bow of the boat and can be operated from the cockpit or from the bow. Installing a windlass will make it much easier for me to anchor my boat when I’m sailing alone, as I’ll be able to control the anchor from the cockpit.

In addition to installing a windlass, I may also need to construct a new bow spread. A bow spread is a piece of hardware that extends out from the bow of the boat and provides support for the anchor and anchor chain. If my boat doesn’t have a suitable bow spread for a windlass, I’ll need to install one to ensure that the windlass is properly supported and can operate safely.

Task 5: Thoroughly clean the entire boat.

Finally, as I work on these upgrades and repairs, it’s important to keep my boat clean and well-maintained. Over time, dirt, grime, and salt can build up on the surfaces of the boat, which can lead to corrosion and other damage. To prevent this, I plan to do a thorough cleaning of the entire boat.

This cleaning will involve scrubbing all of the surfaces of the boat, including the decks, hull, and interior. I’ll also need to clean all of the hardware, such as winches, cleats, and blocks. While doing this cleaning, I’ll be able to inspect the boat more closely for any hidden defects or issues that may need to be addressed.


In conclusion, as a boat owner, there are always plenty of upgrades and repairs to be made. By prioritizing these tasks and breaking them down into manageable pieces, I can ensure that I’m making the most of my time and resources. From upgrading my battery bank and electrical systems to routing all of the lines back to the cockpit and installing a windlass, these tasks will help make my boating experience safer, more efficient, and more enjoyable. And by keeping my boat clean and well-maintained, I can ensure that it stays in top condition for years to come

Imagesource: Flickr | Licensinformation

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